The Magical World of Minimighettos målarbok

Mrs Mighetto

Mrs Mighettos The Magical World of Minimighettos är en målarbok för alla vänner av Minimighettos. Här finns bilder av Noah, Agnes, Lucas, Viola och många fler bekanta figurer. Måla de vackra bilderna i valfria färger, målarboken passar alla åldrar! 32 sidor.



Produktkod: BK-MAGIC-COLOR
I lager, postas nästa vardag
18,00 €
Övrig info:
lanserad 12/22, limited edition - när produkten är slutsåld är den slutsåld för alltid
Aveo Magazine
Mrs Mighettos härliga barnposters - nya favoriter I My Tiny Theatre
Mrs Mighettos härliga barnposters - favoriter I My Tiny Theatre
Mrs Mighetto, land of birds
Mrs Mighetto, Land of birds


Sixten had received the very best letter –
he was needed at court and the sooner the better.
His help with keys and locks was forever sought,
in every town and country court.

Of all the gifts that could be found,
as a talented key master Sixten was crowned.

Sixten lifted a golden chest out his magic hat and said:
“My task is to convince the Queen, that this one is better instead.”

“Now it’s that serious, my inner voice I can hear,
and when I listen properly, it says the answers are already clear”.